Package mapnik :: Class Projection

Class Projection

 object --+    
??.instance --+
Known Subclasses:

Represents a map projection.

Instance Methods
__getinitargs__( (Projection)arg1) -> tuple :
__init__( (object)arg1, (str)proj4_string) -> None : Constructs a new projection from its PROJ.4 string representation.
helper for pickle
expanded( (Projection)arg1) -> str : normalize PROJ.4 definition by expanding +init= syntax
forward(self, obj)
Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord) from the geographic space into the cartesian space.
inverse(self, obj)
Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord) from the cartesian space into the geographic space.
params( (Projection)arg1) -> str : Returns the PROJ.4 string for this projection.

Inherited from unreachable.instance: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  __instance_size__ = 48
  __safe_for_unpickling__ = True
  _c___module__ = 'mapnik._mapnik'
This property is True if the projection is a geographic projection (i.e.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details



__getinitargs__( (Projection)arg1) -> tuple :

    C++ signature :
        boost::python::tuple __getinitargs__(mapnik::projection)



__init__( (object)arg1, (str)proj4_string) -> None :
    Constructs a new projection from its PROJ.4 string representation.
    The constructor will throw a RuntimeError in case the projection
    cannot be initialized.

    C++ signature :
        void __init__(_object*,std::string)

Overrides: object.__init__



helper for pickle

Overrides: object.__reduce__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)



Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)



expanded( (Projection)arg1) -> str :
    normalize PROJ.4 definition by expanding +init= syntax

    C++ signature :
        std::string expanded(mapnik::projection {lvalue})

forward(self, obj)


Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord)
from the geographic space into the cartesian space.

See also:
  Box2d.forward(self, projection),
  Coord.forward(self, projection).

inverse(self, obj)


Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord)
from the cartesian space into the geographic space.

See also:
  Box2d.inverse(self, projection),
  Coord.inverse(self, projection).



params( (Projection)arg1) -> str :
    Returns the PROJ.4 string for this projection.

    C++ signature :
        std::string params(mapnik::projection {lvalue})

Property Details


This property is True if the projection is a geographic projection (i.e. it uses lon/lat coordinates)

Get Method: