Mapnik 4.0.0 Release Jun 16, 2024 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.1.0 Release Jan 08, 2021 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.24 Release Jan 05, 2021 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.23 Release Jan 18, 2020 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.22 Release Jan 22, 2019 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.21 Release Oct 08, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.20 Release Apr 12, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.19 Release Mar 06, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.18 Release Jan 26, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.16 Release Nov 16, 2017 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.12 Release Sep 08, 2016 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.10 Release Feb 29, 2016 | Artem Pavlenko

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MCS01 Roundup - Community

Sep 29, 2010

Mapnik Community

My personal highlight of the Mapnik sprint last weekend was the sense of community. After working on the Mapnik project and codebase for several years, having the chance to meet Artem and the other brilliant people using Mapnik was a phenomenal thing.

Richard Weait planned the event but could not make it in person, but here we are at a pizza joint local Andy Allan picked out. We are raising a glass to Richard, "We-EAT!"

Iván Sánchez arrived the second day of the sprint to work on Spreadnik and brought a ton of joy and laughter. I think I captured the only moment during the whole sprint he was not smiling!

Two of the world's best cartographers in my book, Steve Chilton and AJ Ashton at Mad Hatters kicking back.

Artem and Dane - united at last!

Andy Allan seeing the impossible unfold as Tom MacWright demos the lastest TileMill map interaction tools behind

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