Mapnik 4.0.0 Release Jun 16, 2024 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.1.0 Release Jan 08, 2021 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.24 Release Jan 05, 2021 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.23 Release Jan 18, 2020 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.22 Release Jan 22, 2019 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.21 Release Oct 08, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.20 Release Apr 12, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.19 Release Mar 06, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.18 Release Jan 26, 2018 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.16 Release Nov 16, 2017 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.12 Release Sep 08, 2016 | Artem Pavlenko
Mapnik 3.0.10 Release Feb 29, 2016 | Artem Pavlenko

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Google Summer of Code 2010

Mar 22, 2010

Hello everyone,

I'm very pleased to announce that Mapnik has been accepted as part of Google Summer of Code™ 2010. Congratulations to Dane Springmeyer for his excellent work to make this happen!

We are now looking for students and mentors to take part in the program. We're sure there are lots of talented people out there so, please, get in touch. Right now we're discussing ideas and preparing for coding on mailings lists and #mapnik. There are both exciting and challenging opportunities to work on Mapnik over this summer and I hope to see you there! Let's have some fun!

You can read about the program and FAQ on Google Summer of Code 2010 site

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